Friday, May 1, 2009

Between The Line Questions

What was the main theme?

I believe the main theme was that don’t mess with someone bigger than you. People need to understand that looks can be deceiving. Like with Lennie and Curly. Curly didn’t like Lennie because he was a big guy. But Curly believed that Lennie wasn’t strong enough. Well, until he saw Lennie break his knuckles and he couldn’t use his hand again.

What kept happening over and over again at the ranch?

The workers at the ranch joined together as a brotherhood. When Curly’s wife was killed they all came together to go find Lennie. Curly wanted to kill him for killing his wife. They also came together when it was time to do their job and get it done. That was a motif in this story.

What was the conflict between Curly & Curly’s wife?

The conflict between Curly and his wife was that he wouldn’t let her have any friends or talk to anybody. He wanted her to just talk to him and no one else. She wanted to talk to people because she felt lonely. But, he never hardly talked to his wife which left her feeling alone in life and sad. That’s why she talked to the other guys who worked at the ranch.

Essay Beyond The Line

What does Curly’s wife symbolize?

Symbols represent many things. Like how in the book, Lennie represents the mentally retarded or how George represents the hard working man in that time period. Or maybe even how the puppy represents the future and the old dog represented the past.
But I’m focusing on how Curly’s wife represented the women back in this time period.Curly’s wife represents: how women didn’t have an opinion, how women couldn’t vote and how women couldn’t be who they wanted to be.

Back in the 1920s, when the Great Depression started not a lot of people had lost their jobs. But it didn’t make it better for women. Some women didn’t have their own opinion about what they believed they deserved their husbands just told them what they deserved. Some couldn’t say how they felt or what they thought about anything. Curly made all the decisions for his wife so she didn’t have to think about anything.But she still told Curly that she can think for herself and he didn’t tell her what she can and can’t do.

In the 1920s, Women also couldn’t vote, just like African Americans. Men believe that women shouldn’t vote because that means they would have an opinion. But women fought for the right to vote just like African Americans fought for their equality. Women believed that they had the right to be able to have an opinion on who should run our country or should represent their state or their city or even their neighborhood. Any and every women should be able to vote and have an opinion or idea.

Women couldn’t be the person they wanted to be. Back then, the women were always the stay at home mom & wife. Or they were always the waitress or the assistant if they had jobs. They never could be a mayor, president, lawyer, scientist, policemen or any other important job. Women have the knowledge and patienece to have these kind of jobs. Even some women today are the best at these certain jobs than men.

In conclusion, Curly’s wife represents women in America in many ways. She just wanted to be like other women. She wanted to be able to talk to people. To express her feelings and to show people who she is and what she is capable of.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

3 goals

My 3 goals are:

1)To go to law school

2)To get a job as a intern in a law firm

3)To graduate high school with honors

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

School Schedule Article

By: Chyann Howard

All students at Constitution High School return after a 4-day weekend, a 10th grader named Dominiq Gilyrad says “ What the schedule?” His friend, Thomas Gorman responds “ I think it’s 1-2-3-4” Dom says No I think it’s 4-1-2-3” Tom says “What day is it?” Dom says Isn’t it Monday or is it Tuesday?” Both yell, “ I DON’T KNOW!!!!” A school schedule is a routine for students for their classes they must attend. All students get their school schedule on their first day of school. Even after 3 years being open, teachers and students still have different views on our school schedule.

Many students might agree with our school schedule here at Constitution. Classes are 90 minutes long. People might even say it’s really beneficial to them. Gina Sedgwick, counselor at Constitution says, “ It gives students enough time to work and concentrate” Students believe that having 90 minute classes are enough time for them to get a lot accomplish. To get time to ask teachers more questions so they understand their work.

On the other hand, some students disagree with our school schedule. Students think why 90 minute classes? Why do we need 1& ½ hrs in one class? A 10th grader, Terence Daniels comments on this topic by saying “ It’s too long to be in one class” He also says “ Students won’t and don’t concentrate that long in one class.
Many people in Constitution believe we need change. How much should we change it? 11th grader Sabria Wilson says, “ We need to cut minutes to get to our classes to 3 minutes” We should have shorter classes. Cut our 5 minutes that we supposedly need to get to our classes.

Our schedules affect us more than then people think. Our school schedule is beneficial and ridiculous. Schedules can be long schedules can be short. As we look forward to next year. We expect these changes to be made if not students will still complain about it until we get change.

Schedules are sometimes they way we want it but sometimes they aren’t. Either way we have to deal with it because we have to go to school if we want an education. And if we want to have something better in our lives.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

In Between Spring & Summer

Once upon a time there’s a young girl named Lanae. She’s a regular teenage girl but, she has one difference from anyone else her color is yellowish-green. When her mother gave birth to her, her skin tone’s green. Green representing she’s mature and don’t know any better. When Lanae suppose to become mature and grow up, her color changes to yellow. Instead of changing to yellow, Lanae becomes both colors combined. She realizes that she’s stuck in between growing up and being a child. This relates to me because I’m stuck in between my spring and my summer. Me being still in spring, I can still be selfish about things. I don’t like to share my food, my things or anything else that is mine. Also I am very playful. But, I can be very serious about important things that matter.

Selfish is caring about only oneself. I’m selfish at times because I do not like to share anything especially when it comes to my favorite foods. When I get my favorite treat, “chocolate” I would start eating it then my little brother Tyler would come along asking “ Can I have some, Chy?” Respond by saying “ No…” Then I would start teasing him about it and get mad running to my mom crying about how I didn’t share with him.

Along with being selfish I can also be playful. Playing around with my brothers, my mom (sometimes…), and my friends, is what I love to do most of the time. Sometimes I will start messing wit my little brother, I would be all in his face saying, “ Guess what, guess what, guess what?” over and over again until he pops.
He will ever hit me or push me until I leave him alone.

Why I can say I am almost near the summer of my life is because I can be serious. I went to Ohio to visit my uncle. He let me have a tour of Ohio State University and take a college course to get ahead. I was at the front building, shivering because of how nervous I am. When all of a sudden I hear a voice says, “ Chyann, are you just going to stand there?” It was my uncle who was trying to help me find the classroom I would be in.

Relating how I am between spring & summer, I have my reasons; it’s selfish, playful and focused on my future what most young teenage kids are like. Selfishness and playfulness is a part of being a kid. But, seriously I am focused on my future of becoming a lawyer. The dream can come true if you want it to.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Death is an effect that happens everyone. It can be full of pain and heartache.

But if you see the blood of your loved one cover your hands you might think what have I done?

Was it your fault or theirs? Death can be good in the end when you realize the pain has gone

away. You might wonder what does death have to do in what I make? I make people think of

death in a positive view and make them rethink of causing death to their selves or anyone else.

English 2: Poetry Essay

Do poets express themselves in bad ways or good? Poets are artists that show their feelings and through words. A poem that is well known that might give young poets inspiration to write. “For Poets” by Al Young, tells how poets feel, think and write. Reasons why I like this poem is because it talks about nature, it speaks about structure and it makes you feel like u have a personal connection. Nature in the poem uses plants, trees and animals. The structure shows how a poet should be like. My favorite reason why I like this poem is I feel like I had a personal connection since I write poetry.

One reason why I like this poem, the poem expresses nature. Al Young uses things trees, birds and other things to relate to human beings. He says, “Don’t turn into a mole or a worm or a root or a stone”. I believed that this means to relate things of nature to poets who have great talent, and not to hide from the world. Young also wrote, “commune with the snakes and be the very hero or birds”. To show people not to be afraid to show your talent.

Second reason why I liked this poem talks about structure. The author expresses structure because he wants poets to understand how to write like a poet, how to feel like a poet and think like a poet. I quote from the poem, “ Don’t forget to fly,” he means don’t forget to let your voice and talent run free.

Last but certainly not least, the best reason why I liked this poem is because of the personal connection I felt when I reading it. But, personal connections can be very deep feelings about important things but deep in a way. Young says, “ Don’t forget to fly.” Understanding and reading this poem made me feel like I shouldn’t be afraid to show my talent to people, I should be able to express myself in any way I feel comfortable.

Well ending my opinion or my thought, I believe “For Poets” by Al Young is a great poem to help you get the courage and inspiration to write your own poetry. Can’t figure out if you’re a poet, then read this one it might give you a clue.